Registrations for the 2025 Winter season opened on January 3.

Please read the information below carefully before proceeding. If you need to contact an Age Coordinator, you can find their details here:

If you are looking for information about ordering player kit from Ultra Football, please look here:

Latest update:

Most age groups are now at or near capacity. Please contact your relevant Age Co-ordinator to confirm availability before registering.

** Registration Fees for the 2025 Winter Season **

Age Group (age turning in 2025)

2025 Fee

All Abilities (5-23yrs) $100.00
Tiny Tigers (4-5yrs) $130.00
6 – 7 $255.00
8 – 12 $285.00
13 – 18 $315.00
U21 MEN (18-21yrs) & U19 WOMEN (15-19yrs) $360.00
Senior Players (All Age (18+), O35, O45, O50) $460.00
Adult Full-time Students (18+) registering as Senior Players OR Senior Players aged 67 or over (prior to 1st January) $410.00 (after rebate)
Age Group (age turning in 2025)
All Abilities (5-23yrs)
2025 Fee
Age Group (age turning in 2025)
Tiny Tigers (4-5yrs)
2025 Fee
Age Group (age turning in 2025)
6 ? 7
2025 Fee
Age Group (age turning in 2025)
8 ? 12
2025 Fee
Age Group (age turning in 2025)
13 ? 18
2025 Fee
Age Group (age turning in 2025)
U21 (18-21) & WIL (15-19)
2025 Fee
Age Group (age turning in 2025)
Senior Players (All Age, O35, O45, O50)
2025 Fee
Age Group (age turning in 2025)
Adult Full-time Students (18+) registering as Senior Players OR Senior Players aged 67 or over (prior to 1st January)
2025 Fee
$410.00 (after rebate)

NOTE for Family Discounts:

The Club provides a family discount of $50 per child for the registration of second and subsequent siblings (U6 – U18 only). Details on how to apply for the family discount are detailed in the section “How do we receive the Family Discount, Student Rebate, or Senior Discount?” below.

Junior players (4.5 to 18) can take advantage of the NSW Active Creative Kids Voucher Program, which is a $50 rebate on registration fees for eligible activites for each school-aged child that meets the criteria. Details about the program can be found here: NSW Office of Sport – Active Kids.

Please note that refund of the Active Creative Kids voucher is not possible: Once a voucher has been applied to a registration, neither BDFC nor Service NSW are able to provide a refund of the voucher if registration is cancelled or modified for any reason, including for change of mind or mistaken redemption. You should carefully consider use of your voucher if there will be any reason for you to consider cancelling your registration.

Our guide to applying for the NSW Active Creative Kids voucher: Balmain DFC NSW Active Kids Voucher Guide.

All Players (or their Parents/Guardians) must read and confirm acceptance of the BDFC Disciplinary Policy & Procedures and Football Canterbury Code of Conduct when processing registration.

Priority is given to returning players who register & pay prior to February 1 (although a place is not guaranteed), then new players on a first-come, first-served basis until all teams in the age group are filled.

Due to continued lack of training and playing space in the Inner West Council area, we are unable to guarantee acceptance of your registration. If you or your child cannot be placed into a team due to lack of available spots, a full refund will be given.

Registration Process

Please read all the information below before starting a registration.

Once you’re ready, please go here to begin a registration: Balmain DFC Registration Portal.

  • The registration system used by the Football Canterbury Association is Dribl.
    • Helpful guides on how to register in DRIBL are available here:
    • Parents & Carers will be able to use their own accounts to register multiple children, you do not need to create a separate Dribl account for each child.
      • If registering your child(ren) under your account, please ensure you enter THEIR name in the appropriate fields.
    • The guides also outline how you can track/amend your registrations once they’re submitted.
  • Please remember to obtain your Active Kids Voucher(s) – if applicable – BEFORE you start the player registration process for your children. You will be asked to enter the voucher number during the registration process. Details on how to obtain a voucher are in the “Active Kids Voucher” section on this page.

It’s important that players register in the correct age group. For juniors, age groups are based on the age a player will turn during 2025, regardless of which day or month. For example, a player born 14/12/2012 turns 13 in 2025 and will therefore play in the 13s (either 13 MIXED or 13 GIRLS).

In some instances, a player may play up a year if they’re wanting to play with older friends or are graded that way. If this is the case, please ensure you select the appropriate age group when registering – e.g. a child turning 8 in 2025 may be registering to play in an U9 team, therefore you should select to register in 9 MIXED or 9 GIRLS.

A player cannot register into an age group younger than themselves.

Photos will need to be uploaded when individuals register:

  • Photos for all Players and Team Officials will be mandatory at the time of registration in the new system, otherwise they cannot finalise their registrations.
    • All players registering in 10s and above will require photos to be added to their profiles before ID cards will be issued
  • Photos must meet the guidelines as specified in the Dribl Registration Guide.

To start the registration process please go here: Balmain DFC Registration Portal.

Proof of ID

All new players (or those who haven’t yet provided it) will be required to provide a proof of age document. This will be followed up by the club separately to the registration process.

Dribl Support Contacts

Please use the following options as a first point of contact for any questions/issues with the Dribl Registration system:

Important Season Dates for 2025 (subject to change)

  • January 3 2025: Winter Season registrations open
  • January 14-16: Balmain DFC Holiday Camps – Week 1
  • January 21-23: Balmain DFC Holiday Camps – Week 2
  • January 28-30: Balmain DFC Holiday Camps – Week 3
  • February 1: Final day for priority winter registration for returning players
  • February 4: Pre-Season Development Programs start
  • February 4: Over 35 Womens Training starts
  • February 5: MiniRoos Kick-Off & MiniTillies starts
  • February 5: Football Kickstarter Pre-Season Program starts
  • February 23: U8 Girls Teams Gala Day for non-graded teams
  • February 24: Development Program Induction Night (Online)
  • March 1: U8 Mixed Teams Gala Day for non-graded teams
  • March 15: Team Kit bag collection #1 – Waterfront Oval (U8 and above) – 10am-3pm – TBC
  • March 16: Team Kit bag collection #2 – Waterfront Oval (U8 and above) – 10am-3pm – TBC
  • March 17: Balmain DFC Annual General Meeting
  • March 18: Coaches & Managers Information Night for U8-U12 (Online)
  • March 18: Development Program commences (U8-U16)
  • March 18: Player Pathways Program commences
  • March 19: Coaches & Managers Information Night for U13+ (Online)
  • March 19: Football Kickstarter Winter Program commences
  • March 29: BDFC Induction Day – Waterfront Oval
  • April 4-6: Season starts for U8 and above
  • April 8: Coaches & Managers Information Night for U6/U7 (Online) – TBC
  • April 12: Team Kit bag collection #1 – Waterfront Oval (U6/U7) – TBC
  • April 13: Team Kit bag collection #2 – Waterfront Oval (U6/U7) – TBC
  • April 13-April 21: Inner West Council Fields CLOSED – Please stay off the grounds
  • April 18-20: Middle weekend of school holidays
    • Easter long weekend
    • No games scheduled
  • April 22-24: Balmain DFC Holiday Camps – Week 1
  • April 26-27: Season starts for ALL ABILITIES, TINY TIGERS, U6/U7 MIXED & GIRLS
  • May 12: U8s ONLY – Football Canterbury initial review/regrade (post-Round 5)
  • June 2-4: U8-U12 Football Canterbury Mid-season natural review/regrade for SSF (post-Round 9)
  • June 7-9 Long Weekend (King’s Birthday):
    • No games for U6 to U12 & Tiny Tigers
    • Normal round for 10-team Divisions (U13+)
    • Catch-up fixtures for U13 and above will be scheduled as required
  • June 28: BDFC Coaches, Managers, & Volunteers Night – TBC
  • July 8-10: Balmain DFC Holiday Camps – Week 1
  • July 11-13: Middle week of School Holidays:
    • No games for U6 to U12 & Tiny Tigers
    • Fixtures for U13 and above will be scheduled
    • Catch-up fixtures for U13 and above will be scheduled as required
  • July 15-17: Balmain DFC Holiday Camps – Week 2
  • August 22-24:
    • Final weekend of home & away games for SSF (U8-U12)
      • Football Canterbury SSF (Small-Sided Football) Medal Presentation Round (U8-U12)
  • August 30-31
    • Team Kit Return – Tiny Tigers to U14 (drop off at Waterfront Drive bunker before your presentation time)
    • Balmain DFC Presentation Days (TT to U14)
  • Sep 30 – October 2: Balmain DFC Holiday Camps – Week 1
  • October 7-9: Balmain DFC Holiday Camps – Week 2
  • October – December – BDFC Summer Football Comp (U7-U12)
  • November/December (TBC): Grading Trials for 2026 season – U8 to U16

2025 NSW School Holidays

  • School begins: Thursday February 6
  • Autumn Vacation: Mon April 14 – Fri April 25
  • Winter Vacation: Mon July 7 – Fri July 18
  • Spring Vacation: Mon Sept 29 – Fri Oct 10
  • School Ends: Friday Dec 19

NSW Education term dates for 2025

NSW Public Holidays


There are plenty of great reasons for becoming a football referee. You actively participate in the sport, you help raise the standard of football, you develop a network of close friends, you develop your management and communication skills, and it’s a great way to earn some pocket money.

Referees are an integral part of Football. The first steps to becoming a referee at the World Cup starts at the local level. The pre-requisites for becoming a football referee are:

  • You must be a minimum of 13 years old
  • You have a passion for Football.

It’s that easy!

The Canterbury Referees Association (CRA) are actively seeking new referees to join our community. People of all experience and fitness levels are accepted. If you would like to be part of this exciting culture, please check out how to become a new referee with the CRA HERE.

For qualified junior referees who are also registered players (13 to 18 years of age), Balmain DFC have a rebate program in place to help offset some of the annual costs of CRA membership. Please contact the Registrar at for more information.

Associate Referee
Interested in learning some basics to jump in and referee a game when there is no referee? CRA offer a short, simple, and free Associate Referee Course. Register your interest here:

Game Leaders & Mentors

The Game Leader program covers leading games for the U8-U12 (SSF) age groups and is a great way to build skills and confidence. More information is available here: Game Leaders – Balmain & District Football Club (

Registration FAQs:

The base registration fee includes:

  • Ultra Football voucher for player uniform:
    • New players: the voucher covers the cost of a full playing kit (shirt, socks, shorts)
    • Returning players: a $30 voucher to use on club gear in the Ultra Football Balmain DFC Club Zone
  • Football Australia (FA) player fee
  • FA Processing Fee and GST
  • Football NSW player fee and insurance
  • Football Canterbury Association player and team fees
  • Match Official (Referee/Assistant Referee) fees
  • Ground hire fees for training fields and match days
  • Team Training Kit/Balls + Match Balls (to be returned at end of season)

It’s important that players register in the correct age group. For juniors, age groups are based on the age a player will turn during the year of the relevant season, regardless of which day or month. For the 2024 Winter season for example, a player born 14/12/2012 turns 13 in 2025 and should therefore register in the 13s (either 13 MIXED or 13 GIRLS). If they are playing up a year then they should register for either 14 BOYS or 14 GIRLS.

** In some instances a player may be playing up a year if they’re wanting to play with older friends or are graded that way. If this is the case, please ensure you select the appropriate age group when registering. **

A player cannot register into an age group younger than themselves.

For All Age teams, a player must be turning 18 or above during the year in order to qualify.

For O35, O45, and O50 age groups, the player must have turned 35, 45, or 50 respectively before the 1st of January.

You can use the table below as a guide:

Age turning during the calendar year Age Group to register in
Special Needs Players ALL ABILITIES PROGRAM (ages 5-23) – Football4All
10 10 MIXED / 10 GIRLS
11 11 MIXED / 11 GIRLS
12 12 MIXED / 12 GIRLS
13 13 MIXED / 13 GIRLS
14 14 BOYS / 14 GIRLS
15 15 BOYS / 15 GIRLS or 16 GIRLS or U19 WOMEN
16 16 BOYS / 16 GIRLS or U19 WOMEN
17 18 BOYS / U19 WOMEN
46+ (Male) ALL AGE MEN or O35 MEN or O45 MEN
51+ (Male) ALL AGE MEN or O35 MEN or O45 MEN or O50 MEN
Age turning during the calendar year
Special Needs Children
Age Group to register in
ALL ABILITIES PROGRAM (ages 5-23) – Football4All
Age turning during the calendar year
4 or 5
Age Group to register in
Age turning during the calendar year
Age Group to register in
Age turning during the calendar year
Age Group to register in
Age turning during the calendar year
Age Group to register in
Age turning during the calendar year
Age Group to register in
Age turning during the calendar year
Age Group to register in
Age turning during the calendar year
Age Group to register in
Age turning during the calendar year
Age Group to register in
Age turning during the calendar year
Age Group to register in
Age turning during the calendar year
Age Group to register in
14 BOYS / 14 GIRLS
Age turning during the calendar year
Age Group to register in
15 BOYS / 15 GIRLS or 16 GIRLS or U19 WOMEN
Age turning during the calendar year
Age Group to register in
16 BOYS / 16 GIRLS or?U19 WOMEN
Age turning during the calendar year
Age Group to register in
Age turning during the calendar year
Age Group to register in
Age turning during the calendar year
Age Group to register in
Age turning during the calendar year
Age Group to register in
Age turning during the calendar year
Age Group to register in
Age turning during the calendar year
Age Group to register in
Age turning during the calendar year
46+ (Male)
Age Group to register in
Age turning during the calendar year
51+ (Male)
Age Group to register in
ALL AGE MEN or O35 MEN or O45 MEN or O50 MEN

During the registration process, you will have the opportunity to add a comment to specify which team or friends you (or your child) would like to play with. This will be taken into account when the Age Coordinator is putting the teams together (please note this only applies for non-graded teams). Please note that although we do all we can, not all requests can be accommodated.

You can also contact your Age Coordinator directly to let them know of your preferences.

Graded players must register with the club by the dates noted below to prioritise holding their place with the club. Players must meet the requirements below :

Returning Players

  • Returning players that meet the following criteria are prioritised but not guaranteed a place in their preferred (or any) team in the new season:
    • if you played with the club in the previous season (including if they had to withdraw during the previous season due to injury)
    • complete registration and payment by February 1
      • If registration is not completed (including payment) by February 1, returning players will then rank equally with new players, although the club reserves its right to override this if necessary
  • If all spots in an age group (or a preferred team) are filled and there are returning players still unallocated (that had registered by February 1), priority will be given to them over new players, although the club reserves its right to override this if necessary
    • best efforts will be made to place unallocated returning players into another team or eligible age group if possible
  • If a spot in a team is not available, a full refund will be provided.
  • if a spot in a team is offered but the player does not take it up, a refund will be provided less an admin fee as per the Club’s refund policy

Graded Players

  • Graded players will have been offered a position in a Graded Team by the Registrar, Technical Director, and/or Development Committee
  • Graded players must complete their registration by January 31 otherwise their position on a Graded team may be withdrawn
  • New players who do not take up their offer to join a Graded Team will be subject to the same rules of registration as any other new player

Players are considered new if they have never registered with Balmain DFC before, or did not play for Balmain DFC in the previous season. Players that registered and paid the previous season but had to subsequently withdraw due to injury are considered as returning.

New players must consult with their Age Coordinators to determine team placement. A personal invitation from a Coach, Manager, or other parents does not guarantee placement into a team.

Note that new players may not be able to be fitted into a team (or into a team that is desired), so please consider your options if you or your child are waitlisted or are advised that places are limited. New players may be considered on various factors for any available places.

Players who have registered but not paid will not be assured of a place in a team until full payment is received.

Football NSW and Football Canterbury rules state that a player can only register with one club, and only one team within that club, per winter season. We understand how some players would relish the chance to play even more football every weekend (who wouldn’t!), but unfortunately we cannot accommodate multiple registrations for a single player.

If they are invited to, players are allowed to fill in (be ‘borrowed’) for another team if they are short on players for a particular match. There are strict rules and eligibility policies around the borrowing of players – the Team Manager and/or your Age Coordinator will be aware of these and will advise accordingly if this situation arises. Breaching these rules can lead to subtantial sanctions and fines.

All items of jewellery (necklaces, rings, bracelets, earrings, leather bands, rubber bands, etc.) are strictly forbidden and must be removed prior to starting a match. Using tape to cover jewellery is not permitted.

Referees are also prohibited from wearing jewellery (except for a watch or similar device for timing the match).

However, if in the opinion of the Referee a medical bracelet or necklace presents no danger, then it may be allowed on the condition that it can be taped or bandaged to the body to provide protection. A medical bracelet can be covered by a tight wrist guard and, similarly, a medical necklace can be sufficiently padded.

As per Football Australia’s national policy on wearing jewellery (published 2017):

  • Medical alert bracelets and necklaces: these may be worn as long as they are secured to the wrist or body; the medical advice must not be covered
  • Facial/body piercings, including tongue rings: piercings not visible to the referee are of no concern
    • Should the piercing become visible, the referee will ensure the item is removed
    • Rings/studs through the tongue are discouraged for the players’ own safety; if detected, the referee will ensure it is removed
  • Beaded hair: if a player is wearing hair beads, the hair must be tied in a bun or covered by a hair net; loose beaded hair should not be allowed
  • Bobby pins: bobby pins, whether plastic or metal, may be worn
  • Watch: only Match Officials are allowed to wear watches as part of their equipment

Family Discount

The Club provides a family discount of $50 per child for the registration of second and subsequent siblings. To qualify, all siblings must be registered in the U6 to U18 age groups.

Apply for Family Discount.

Student Rebate and Senior Discount

The club provides a $50 rebate or discount to enrolled full-time students (18+) and players aged 67 or over (prior to 1st January) who have paid the full adult registration fee.

Apply for the Student Rebate or the Senior Player Discount.

To withdraw from the competition and request a registration refund, send an e-mail to The club will provide refunds in some situations.

The club will provide a full refund of the registration fee if a playing member cannot be placed in a team for that season.

When members withdraw their registration, they may also be eligible for a refund. The amount of the refund is based on the request date of the withdrawal.

Request Date for Refund Refund Amount **
By January 31 Full refund less uniform cost if the player has ordered a club-funded kit.
By February 28 Registration fee less a $35 administration charge and the uniform cost if the player has ordered a club-funded kit.
By March 31 Registration fee less a $70 administration charge and the uniform cost if the player has ordered a club-funded kit.
From April 1 or after Round 1 (whichever is the earlier) No refunds
Request Date for Refund
By?January 31
Refund Amount **
Full refund less uniform cost if the player has ordered a club-funded kit.
Request Date for Refund
By?February 28
Refund Amount **
Registration fee less a $35 administration charge and the uniform cost if the player has ordered a club-funded kit.
Request Date for Refund
By?March 31
Refund Amount **
Registration fee less a $70 administration charge and the uniform cost if the player has ordered a club-funded kit.
Request Date for Refund
From April 1 or after Round 1 (whichever is the earlier)
Refund Amount **
No refunds

The official date used to determine a refund is the date of the email sent to the Club Registrar.

** The Active Creative Kids Voucher portion of fees is not refundable and cannot be transferred or otherwise reimbursed

Yes, the club does consider hardship situations and may offer a payment plan or waiver of part or all registration fees for those in genuine financial need. Applications should be submitted to the club Treasurer at

International Transfer Certificate (ITC)

The complete guide covers the below and can be downloaded here – FA Guide to International Transfer Certificate, however the broad guidelines are as follows:

What is an ITC?
An International Transfer Certificate (ITC) is a certificate provided from one national Football Association to another to facilitate the transfer of a player between countries. It is a global FIFA policy that all national Associations are bound by.

ITC: Amateur Adults
An ITC will be required for a senior player aged 18 or over where that player’s previous football registration was overseas.

ITC: Minors

The international clearance process applies to any player aged 10 to 18 years (Minor) seeking to register to play football in Australia at any level.

Why do players need an ITC?

The FIFA Regulations on the Status and Transfer of Players (FIFA Regulations) require all players to obtain an ITC where the immediately preceding registration was with a national association other than the national association in which the player is registering. This is a FIFA requirement to ensure players are not under contract or suspended and is applicable even if the player is an Australian citizen or if they have been registered in Australia previously.

Football Australia’s (FA) National Registration Regulations (NRRs) prescribe various obligations in relation to the requirement for a player to have a valid ITC prior to registering and playing football in Australia.

Is the process different for both adults and children?
Yes it is.

I am concerned about my personal information. Does FA have a privacy policy?
A current version of FA’s National Privacy Policy can be found at


What is the age of a Minor?
A player aged 10 to 18 years (Minor) seeking to register to play football in Australia at any level.

Why do Minors require an ITC?

  • The FIFA Regulations also apply to any Minor who is a foreign national (including refugees) seeking to register in Australia, irrespective of whether they were registered to play football in their previous country or not.

  • The FIFA Regulations also capture any Australian Minors who are returning to Australia after having played abroad. Any such Minor seeking to register to play football will need to complete a Minor ITC Application.

  • This is a FIFA requirement to ensure players are not under contract or suspended and is applicable even if the player is an Australian citizen or if they have been registered in Australia previously. It is also in place to protect minors from exploitation.

What if we have not played overseas and have migrated over to Australia?
The FIFA Regulations also apply to any Minor who is a foreign national (including refugees) seeking to register in Australia, irrespective of whether they were registered to play football in their previous country or not.

Where a Minor was born in a country other than Australia and is registering to play football for the first time, the international clearance process will still need to be carried out.

What age of minors DO NOT require an ITC?
Children aged under 10 do not require an ITC.

My child is an amateur, do they still require an ITC?
An individual player’s footballing ability or nationality has no bearing on the ITC process.

What’s NEXT?
To avoid unnecessary delays (this can be a lengthy process), please ensure:

  • that you send the Minor ITC Application Form and supporting documents to Balmain DFC immediately (the club may also initially contact you if they’re informed that a registration with an ITC component has been lodged); and

  • the supporting documents provided are in accordance with the relevant checklists

  • Minor ITC Application & Declaration Form types:
    • BLUE FORM – International move of both the player’s biological parents
    • PURPLE FORM – International move of one of the player’s biological parents
    • GREEN FORM – International move of none of the player’s biological parents
    • ORANGE FORM – The player lived continiously for the last 5 years in Australia prior to the request
    • RED FORM – The player is undertaking an academic study program in Australia
    • AQUA FORM – The player is a refugee.

Why is so much documentation required in a Minor ITC Application?
The level of documentation required for a Minor ITC Application is set by FIFA. FA is responsible for ensuring the FIFA Regulations are correctly applied within Australia, and that all Minors seeking their ITC meet FIFA’s documentation standards. Where a Minor application is required to be submitted to the FIFA Players’ Status Committee in Switzerland, incomplete applications will be rejected. FIFA have the ability to audit applications made to FA for Minor ITCs, requiring an assessment of all of the supporting documentation submitted to FA. It is pertinent that all supporting documentation is sent to FA to ensure that FIFA’s requirements in relation to Minor ITC Applications are adhered to. FIFA also published a guide to submitting a Minor ITC Application.


An ITC will be required for a player aged 18 or over where that player’s immediately previous football registration was overseas. An ITC request is triggered during the PlayFootball self-registration process, which requires the player to respond truthfully to the following questions:

 (a) Was the player’s last registration to play football in another country?

(b) In which country (other than AUSTRALIA) did the player last register?

(c) With which Club did the player last register in [NAME OF COUNTRY IN (b)]?

(d) In which year did the player last register in [NAME OF COUNTRY IN (b)]?

What happens if your last registration was overseas?
If the player answers “yes” to question (a) their registration status switches to ‘Pending ITC”.

NB: Please advise Balmain DFC  that an ITC has been triggered for your registration so we are aware it is in process and can action any required paperwork as it comes through.

What is NEXT?
The players request is sent to FA so that they may request an ITC. The player’s registration will remain in Pending mode until the ITC is received.

How long do I need to wait for the request?
FA cannot register a player unless and until: (a) the ITC is received; or (b) no response has been received from the relevant National Association within 30 days from the date FA sends the ITC request.

As a guiding principle, Clubs should allow 35 days from the date the ITC is requested. However, during peak periods this time frame may vary.